Level 4/178 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Our Blog

Get yourself a skateboard and amp up your upper body and core training

For those of you who have a skateboard lying around the house, get it out today and use it within your training program. Osteopath Heath Williams demonstrates a number of great ways to use the skateboard within your training program to vary your upper body push and...

Lower limb exercise strategies for an achilles tendinopathy

In the videos below you will see some of the exercise strategies we have adopted for an achilles tendinopathy complaint. Exercises include: Heavy slow resistance loading - isolated calf raise (gastroc bias) and bent knee (soleus bias)PlyometricsKinetic chain loading...

Lying horizontal pull exercise

Sometimes I might look to change up the position that I or the client is in to perform an exercise because I am looking to make the exercise more challenging or easier. In the video below you will see a supine lying dual cable horizontal pull. The exercise is a...

Osteopathy is more than just treating spines

https://www.instagram.com/p/B7_95IXn4Oi/ Now if you are reading this blog you are probably already aware of osteopaths and what we do and how we work. For those people who have yet to meet or consult an osteopath, I thought I would write a short blog about what we do...

Reactive overhead strategies

In the videos below you will see osteopath Heath Williams of Principle Four Osteopathy performing two different overhead reactive exercises that can be incorporated into the later stages of a rehab or return to performance program for an overhead athlete. The reactive...

No Lat Pull Down, No worries!

In the videos below osteopath Heath Williams will show you how you can incorporate vertical pulling into your exercise routine if you have a cable machine or bands, but no traditional lat pull down. By changing ones position we can get into a position that allows us...

Med ball push and up and pass

In the video below you will see Heath and Luke performing an alternating medicine ball push up and then pass it to one another whilst the other holds a high plank position. This is a great partner exercise because both people are constantly working throughout the...

Med Ball Spiderman Push Up

https://www.instagram.com/p/B72lJr_Hc4m/ In the video above you will see osteopath Heath Williams performing a med ball spiderman push up that requires him to alternate the position of the med ball on each pushup. This is a great variation on the traditional push up...

Double Landmine Push and Pull Exercises

In the video below you will see osteopath Heath Williams of Principle Four Osteopathy performing a double landmine bent over row and an alternating step with overhead press (135 degree angle approximately). The double landmine is a great tool as there are so many...

Hip Focused Exercises

In the videos and images below you are going to see one of Principle Four Osteopathy clients demonstrating a number of different hip focused exercises. These include: Isometric hip adduction with swiss ballSeated hip abduction with resistance band (micro band from...

Workstation ergonomics and wellbeing training

Principle Four Osteopathy and Corporate Work Health Australia osteopaths deliver a wide range of lunch time workshops for many of Melbourne City CBD corporate businesses. Workshops range from our sit safe worsktation desk set up training through to stretch and...

Grip strength training with the Saxon Bar

The Saxon bar is a 3 inch thick rectangle bar that has been designed for grip strength training. The grip is often one of those underrated areas to train and whilst it is inherently involved in all lifts, often there is lack of specific training. The Saxon bar is one...








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