Tendinopathy is an overuse related injury that typically affects the tendons of the shoulder, wrist, knee, elbow, hip and lower limb. The most common symptoms of a tendinopathy include pain, swelling, stiffness or restricted mobility at the affected joint and muscle weakness.
Typically the tendon can become irritated if an individual undertakes unaccustomed activity or increases their activity levels that then results in the irritation of the tendon.
For those individuals who experience an acute or chronic tendinopathy, seeing an osteopath at Principle Four Osteopathy for a few treatments can assist in providing pain relief and improve mobility as well as advice on how to resolve the complaint and prevent further recurrence.
- The rotator cuff and biceps are common tendons involved in a shoulder tendinopathy
- The common name for tendinopathy at the elbow include golfers elbow and tennis elbow. These affect both the inside and outside muscles and tendons of the forearm. Many people who experience this injury do not even play golf or tennis.
- The most common tendinopathies of the hip and lower limb include gluteal tendinopathy, patellar tendinopathy and Achilles tendinopathy.
- Conservative treatment and management will often provide good outcomes for those experiencing a tendinopathy injury. This usually involves rest, activity modification, over the counter medication, manual therapy and exercise prescription.
The True Cost Of Tendinopathy / Tendonitis
Tendinopathy complaints such as achilles tendinopathy, plantarfasciopathy, gluteal tendinopathy, rotator cuff tendinopathy and medial and lateral insertional forearm tendinopathy can have a significant impact on all aspects ones life because of persistent pain, reduced function and ability to undertake work and activities of daily living. Not only can they impact on ones physical health, but also ones mental health due to the potential to impact on ones day to day life.

New Injuries & Persistent Pain
Have you suffered a workplace injury, stretched or torn a tendon during sport or are you stiff and sore? Then you’ve come to the right place! Shaun is the osteopath for you.
There are many potential causes of acute and chronic tendinopathy:
- OVERUSE: Overuse of the tendons by repetitive actions that one performs in their work or whilst undertaking lifestyle activities.
- WORK: For those whose jobs are manual task orientated, this can be through the use of hand tools or repeated tasks within the context of ones work day.
- SPORTS: Sporting pursuits that involve lots of repetitive motions or jumping or running may also result in tendinopathies. These may involve the Achille, patellar, gluteals, elbow or shoulder.
- HOBBIES: For those individuals whose hobbies involve repeated activity or whereby one might be performing unaccustomed activities i.e. home renovations, home gardening etc, the repeated use and movement of the body can result in an acute tendinopathy of the wrist, elbow, shoulder, knee or ankle.
- NEW ACTIVITIES: Typically new movements and a increase in work load in a short period of time can increase ones risk of developing an acute tendinopathy.
1. WARNING Some people who are suffering from a tendinopathy may experience chronic pain, reduced function and an inability to continue undertaking work, activities of daily living and leisure and social activities. If tendinopathy complaints are not addressed appropriately, then they can continue to be troublesome for some time and greatly impact on ones physical and mental health.
2. WHAT TO DO It’s important to accurately diagnose your complaint and then provide you with a clear treatment and management plan. Treatment can involve manual therapy, shockwave therapy combined with self management strategies such as exercise. We will also identify all the key aggravating and maintaining factors and provide recommendations on how best to continue undertaking your work, sports and activities of daily living where possible.
3. GOOD NEWS Most individuals who are suffering from a tendinopathy complaint are likely to improve over time and get back to doing the things they love doing. Having a tendinopathy complaint is not a life long sentence of pain and dysfunction.
4. NEXT STEP Book an osteopathy consultation with one of our industry leading osteos.
60 MINUTES- For clients who have not visited Principle Four Osteopathy before
- For clients who have not been to the clinic for an osteopathy consultation for some time (>2 years years since your last osteopathy consult).
35 - 40 MINUTES- For clients with one regional complaint and/or simple musculoskeletal complaint.
- Our standard osteopathy consult will provide adequate time to address your musculoskeletal complaint.
60 MINUTES- For clients with one or more regional musculoskeletal complaints and/or complex musculoskeletal complaint.
- Also for those clients who feel they need a bit more time than the standard osteopathy consultation.
Advanced exercise rehabilitation osteopaths (Jarrod Testa / Heath Williams)
Advanced occupational health osteopaths (Heath Williams / Shaun Coghlan)
SAVE $10 - General pain, injury and musculoskeletal conditions (Beau Zanin)
- Step 1: Booking your consult – Once you have booked a consult with one of our osteopaths, you will be sent a confirmation email and a pre consult questionnaire. We want to find out why you have booked to see us and what you would like to get out of your consultation
- Step 2: Assess, Diagnose ad provide symptom relief – Your initial osteopathic consultation will take about 60 minutes in duration and during this consultation we will listen and talk to you about your complaint and what your goals are. We will then take you through a comprehensive assessment and then discuss with you our findings and recommended treatment and management plan. Treatment and management may include manual therapy to provide symptom relief and then a discussion around pain management and symptoms modification strategies. If you require a referral elsewhere, we will discuss this with you and facilitate this.
- Step 3: Improve capacity and performance – Once your symptoms are under control, our goal will be to assist you with building your functional capacity, ability to perform everyday activities without pain and performance. Our osteopaths will work with you to provide you with strategies to do so. This may include exercise and work related assessments and training.
Can Osteopath Help With Tendinopathy
Acute tendinopathies can be debilitating and cause a lot of pain, swelling and result in limited movement and muscle weakness. If you experience acute pain following an increased level of activity or following unaccustomed activity, be sure to visit your osteopath.
The osteopath will take a detailed case history and perform a physical assessment to determine if you have a tendinopathy. They can provide advice on how to manage the pain as well as provide treatment to assist in reducing muscular tightness and stiffness of the affected joint. In many situations, an acute tendinopathy should show improvement over weeks if managed appropriately.
For those who are experiencing chronic tendinopathies that have been lingering for weeks and months, a visit to the osteopath for a review will also involve a detailed case history and assessment, with treatment including manual therapy, but with the use of additional adjuncts such as shockwave therapy and exercise prescription.
Can Osteopath Help With Achilles Tendinopathy
Achilles tendinopathy is a condition that affects the tendon below the calf muscles where it attaches to the ankle bone. Achilles tendinopathy is common in individuals who are play sports that involve running as well as those individuals whose work or hobbies involve lots of standing and walking.
Other risk factors for achilles tendinopahy include age and sex. With older men more likely to experience an achilles tendinopathy. Other risk factors include footwear, foot structure (more flat foot) and surfaces one walks or runs on can increase ones risk.
An osteopath can help with achilles tendinopathy by providing pain and symptom relief through manual therapy and taping, as well as provide guidance on activity modification, prescription of exercises to assist with pain modulation and strengthening.
The osteopath may also look to utilise adjuncts such as shockwave or dry needling as part of the treatment of your achilles tendinopathy. Osteopaths seek to assist in restoring your body’s natural function and structure by using a variety of hands-on treatments, as well as exercises, stretches and things you can use at home.
Osteopath Treatment For Patellar Tendinopathy
Patellar tendinopathy are more common in those individuals who sports or work involve lots of jumping and loading through stairs or ladder climbing. Repeated and frequent loading through the knee can result in pain and discomfort just below the knee where the patellar tendon inserts from the tibia to the patellar.
Your osteopath will provide advice on how to manage the acute pain as well as provide manual therapy for symptom relief. They will also provide exercises where appropriate for pain modulation and strengthening as well as utilise shockwave therapy and dry needling if indicated.
Treatment For Golfers and Tennis Elbow
Golfers elbow is a condition commonly impacting the inside of the elbow, whereas tennis elbow impacts the tendons attaching to the outside of the elbow. Golfers and tennis elbow tendinopathy typically occurs in those individuals who are required to use their hands frequently.
This may occur within the context of work i.e. use of mouse at a computer workstation or use of a drill or nail gun for tradies. Sporting pursuits that involve lots of gripping i.e. tennis, golf, gym etc can also result in tendinopathies if there is an increase in load that the body is accustomed to.
Your osteopath will provide pain relief and improved mobility and flexibility through the use of manual therapy. Manual therapy techniques may involved massage, stretching, muscle energy technique and joint mobilisation. Your osteopath may also utilise shockwave therapy, dry needling, taping and prescribe bracing and exercises to assist in off loading the tendon or provide modulation.
Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy Treatment
Rotator cuff tendinopathy is common in those individuals whose use their upper limb in work, hobbies or sporting pursuits. Typically a rotator cuff tendinopathy will develop following an increase use of the upper limb. Signs and symptoms will include pain and limited mobility.
Your osteopath will provide advice on how to manage the pain, reduce irritation and then provide symptom relief through manual therapy. Once the complaint has settled they will provide advice on how to return to your chose activity safely as well as prescribe appropriate stretching and strengthening exercises.
Book An Osteopathy Treatment For Tendoitis
If you are suffering from tendinopathy / tendonitis book a treatment with one of our osteopaths at Principle Four Osteopathy on Collins St Melbourne CBD.