Level 4/178 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Yesterdays Workout | A Quick Look At Some Of The Exercises

Yesterday I had approximately 45 minutes gap in my day between work and getting home and I decided to train vertical and horizontal pulling with some light load shoulder work.  I generally train my back 3 times per week as I spend a large portion of my day needing to treat clients and/or working on the computer or consulting clients in offices (all anterior driven exercises).    I only had a short time to workout and therefore smashed through things with a focus on sub maximal training loads.  A quick look at my session below:

  1. Dumbbell lateral raise 3* 10 – 7 kg
  2. Incline bench prone fly 3*10 reps – 7kg
  3. Sidelying dumbbell fly with lateral raise 3* 8 reps – 7kg
  4. Lat pull down 4*10 reps (wide neutral grip)
  5. Standing cable reverse flys 3* 10 reps
  6. Neutral grip (shoulder width) chin ups 3* 8 reps
  7. Lat pull down (Maximum advantage grip – 45 degree hand hold – shoulder width) 3* 10 reps
  8. Chest supported row (3 grip variations – neutral, pronated, supinated) 2 sets of 8 reps each
  9. Chin ups (wide grip) 3* 5 reps (fatiguing)
  10. Shrugs 3* 8 reps
  11. Back extension reverse fly to anterior fly 3* 8 reps (2.5kg each hand)
  12. Seated lat pull down (fixed plane machine) 3* 8 reps

You might look at this and say, shit, there is a fair bit of volume.  Well there is, but I love some volume training and exercises 1, 2, 3 and 5 were performed with ease, whilst the others were more challenging (more effort).   I generally find that my body responds well to sub maximal volume training and regular back/shoulder training has helped with regards to dealing with the rigours of work demands as well as managing previous shoulder related complaints.

Below are a couple short vids from the session

This article was written by osteopath Heath Williams of Principle Four Osteopathy.  Principle Four Osteopathy is one of Melbourne City CBD leading osteopathy clinics. We are located on Level 4 of 178 Collins St (within Pleasance House) alongside Optimal Health Exercise Physiology.  We have a fully equipped strength and conditioning exercise rehab space with osteopathic consult rooms.  Our team of osteopaths have an interest in manual therapy, strength and conditioning, exercise rehabilitation and ergonomics.  Read more about our team here.  Book an appointment online here or call us on 0396709290 to arrange an appointment.

Screenshot 3 Yesterdays Workout | A Quick Look At Some Of The Exercises












Getting to Principle Four Osteopathy – 4/178 Collins St Melbourne CBD

Trams – Trams run straight out the front of us, with the closest stop at Swantston st and Collins St.  

Trains – We are a short 5 minute walk from Flinders St Station, Parliament and Melbourne Central train station.

Parking – off street parking is available on Little Collins St, Russell St and in the many parking businesses (Wilsons parking) nearby.