Level 4/178 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Simple Way To Assess Lower Body Strength & Power

Recently I have been reading Mike Boyle’s new book titled “Functional Training For Sports 2nd Edition” and he talks about his favourite functional lower body strength exercises.  In his book he talks about using the rear foot elevated split squat and double leg vertical jump exercises as his assessment tools.  In my practice I will often keep things very simple and will use the vertical jump as well as horizontal broad jump as measurement tools.  I will also look at single leg jumping and hopping to compare across both sides of the body.  The main reason I use these exercises is because they both require minimal equipment and it eliminates the need to coach a person when performing a complicated exercise such as the squat, rear foot elevated split squat etc which can take some time.  It also eliminates the need for external loading on the client.  In our clinical setting (CBD focus and working with both injured and non injured clients) these two movements can reveal a great deal about a clients lower body strength and power that is specific to themselves.  Next time you are looking to test yourself, try measuring your bilateral and single leg jumping height and horizontal distances.

This blog post was written by osteopath Heath Williams of Principle Four Osteopathy.  Heath has a particular interest in exercise rehabilitation and strength and conditioning.  He has completed ASCA Level 2 Strength and Conditioning Course, Powerlifting Association Level 1 Coaching Course, FMS and many more.  For all of your injury treatment and management needs, touch base with us at www.principlefourosteopathy.com.  Principle Four Osteopathy are one of Melbourne City CBD and Docklands leading osteopathy clinics.