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Deskbound by Kelly Starrett – Key Take Home Messages

I recently bought and read the book “Deskbound” that was written by physiotherapist Kelly Starrett who has also written the popular books “Supple Leopard” and “Ready to Run”.  I was attracted to this book especially as my job as an osteopath and OHS/WHS consultant involves working with clients who are often tied to their desk on a daily basis.

Some of the key take home messages that I took from the book include:

  • Children and adults are sitting more than ever before.
  • Daily exercise isn’t enough to counteract the health issues associated with sitting all day i.e. going to the gym for 1 hour won’t reverse the negative health effects of sitting for 12 hours per day.
  • Whilst practitioners such as osteopaths, physiotherapists, myotherapists, chiropractors and massage therapists may be able to identify movement dysfunctions and provide you with some hands on treatment and management advice.   A 30-40 minute consult does not add up to counter the impact of sitting 12 hours per day.

This begs the question, how can we change our work environment, re design our jobs or change our behaviours in an attemp to try and minimise static or awkward work postures for long periods of time?

Kelly Starrett highlights in his book some useful deskbound guidelines. These include:

  • Reduce optional sitting in all aspects of life i.e. if you don’t have to sit, then don’t whenever is possible.
  • For every 30 minutes of sitting, move at least 2 minutes.
  • Move well and move often.
  • Perform 10 – 15 minutes of movement daily.  This can mean focusing on areas of addressing flexibility, mobility or movement issues.

For those looking to find out more about the book, please click here.

This blog post was written by osteopath Heath Williams of Principle Four Osteopathy and Corporate Work Health Australia.  Principle Four Osteopathy is one of Melbourne City CBD and Docklands leading osteopathy clinics.  We have a big focus on movement, workplace ergonomics, sports injuries and strength and conditioning.  Check us out at www.principlefourosteopathy.com.  For all of your occupational health and safety needs (ergonomics, workstation desk checks, manual handling), check us out at www.corporateworkhealth.com.au.