Level 4/178 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

The report “Workplace Productivity Summary 2013” that was conducted by IRAS and Employerbility 2013 was recently brought to my attention by a Physiotherapy colleague of mine that I work with in the Occupational Health and Safety company Corporate Work Health Australia Pty Ltd.  This report takes a look at how distraction in the workplace can effect productivity.

I thought it would be worth publishing some of the data from this report because everyday in my Osteopathy practice I see clients presenting with musculoskeletal complaints, some of which the clients report is a direct result of increased stress, pressure and longer working hours.  I find it interesting that the relationship between those clients who are more stressed, over worked, exercising less and not eating as well are often those who have an increased incidence in musculoskeletal complaints and report a feeling of less energy, motivation and overall reduced physical and mental wellbeing.  In addition to treating my clients musculoskeletal complaints, a chunk of the time is also often focused on educating and motivating them to eat healthier, sleep more and exercise more.  Those clients who make time for this in their everyday life are those that often are able to deal with the stresses associated with longer working days and more stressful jobs.

Some of the key points to take away from this research published:

  • Most employees work hard and want to succeed as best as they can in their job.
  • 73% people work more hours than they are paid for.
  • 80% of people respond to emails at home
  • 61% of people are working 40+ hours per week
  • 72% of people take work home with them by choice or because it is expected
  • Only 39% of people have enough time to complete their work in paid time.
  • 55% of people are frequently distracted at work.
  • 34% of employees spend one quarter or more of their day doing things other than that they are paid for.

The cost to individuals and organizations is:

  • $1.3 million a year or 2.3 days a month per employee is completely unproductive due to stress, overwhelm and overload.
  • 25% of people are completely unproductive for 7+ hours per week.
  • 47% of people are  completely unproductive for 5+ hours per week.

The top 3 things that would improve productivity are:

  • 20% of people said less distractions
  • 17% of people said improved resources and systems.
  • 13% of people identified improved leadership.

Next time you are feeling stressed and overworked, take a look at those things around you that can directly change.  This means making better choices when it comes to your nutrition, getting to bed slightly earlier to avoid sleep deprivation and go for a walk or run rather than sitting and watching tv.  Small steps in the right direction to health and wellbeing will eventually result you developing a more healthy lifestyle with healthier habits.

Osteopath Heath Williams is the director and practicing Osteopath at Principle Four Osteopathy and Corporate Work Health Australia Pty Ltd.  Principle Four Osteopathy is one of Melbourne City CBD 3000 leading Osteopathy clinics.  Check us out online @ www.principlefourosteopathy.com.  We are located near the corner of Little Bourke & Elizabeth St at 29 Somerset Place.  Appointments can be made by calling 03 9670 9290 or booking online @ www.principlefourosteopathy.com.

Corporate Work Health Australia Pty Ltd is a nationwide Occupational Health & Safety company.  Our physiotherapy and osteopathy consultants provide training and assessment in ergonomics and manual handling.  Check us out online @ www.corporateworkhealth.com.  To find out more, please contact us @ admin@corporateworkhealth.com or by calling 1300 951 519.