Whole body exercise session with a bias on arms

If you are looking for a whole body training session that has a bias towards training the arms (biceps, triceps etc), then check out the program below.

The exercise program

Warm Up

Sets: 2-4 / Reps: 8-12 or duration of 45-60 seconds

  1. Double arm weight plate open arc + squat
  2. Double arm weight plate open arc + lateral weight shift squat


  1. Double arm cable bar inferior push + split squat (static), Sets: 1-2 each leg forward, Reps: 8-12
  2. Kettlebell superior pull + superior push + squat, Sets: 2-4, Reps: 8-12
  3. Single arm cable (high) inferior push) + lateral lunge, Sets: 1-2 each leg, Reps: 8-12
  4. Double arm dumbbell superior pull + split squat (static), Sets: 1-2 each leg, Reps: 8-12
  5. Double arm cable bar inferior push + tall kneeling (static), Sets: 2-4, Reps: 8-12
  6. Double arm dumbbell superior pull (hammer) + squat, Sets: 2-4, Reps: 8-12

Check out the instagram post below for video demonstrations.

This blog post was written by osteopath Heath Williams of Principle Four Osteopathy.  Principle Four Osteopathy is one of Melbourne CBD city leading osteopathy clinics.