Following on from a previous post discussing Fryette’s Laws of motion and integrating this into an exercise to improve spinal mobility through motion osteopathy. Below is a video example demonstrating Type 1 Spinal Motion (Sidebending and rotation to opposite side) in an upright position with lunge. This movement pattern mimics gait in upright function and the use of small dumbbells has been added to advance the exercise for life in motion osteo. Regressing the exercise can be done by having the individual standing in a split squat stance (mimicking gait again) or in a split kneeling stance.
This exercise is great for those individuals who do not have any acute back pain and are looking to improve thoracic and lumbar spinal motion. Osteopath Heath Williams is owner and director of Principle Four Osteopathy, one of Melbourne City CBD 3000 leading Osteopathic clinics. The clinic is located in the heart of the Melbourne CBD 3000 at 29 Somerset Place, Melbourne City CBD 3000. Services offered include Osteopathy, Movement Screening, Exercise Prescription & Training & Conditioning. To speak to a motion plus Osteopath or make a fluid motion osteopathy appointment, please call 03 9670 9290 or email Check us out at