Level 4/178 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Taking A Look At Core Training

I was recently reading the article titled “Core Training: Evidence Translating to Better Performance and Injury Prevention” that was written by Stuart McGill and published in the strength and conditioning journal in 2010 and thought I would highlight some of the key take home messages as the core is commonly discussed in the clinical, athletic performance and general population group commonly.  The role of the core is seen to be very important in injury prevention/rehabilitation and also in athletic performance.

Dr McGill has carried out many research studies looking at the core as well as having written a number of books on these topics.  He is seen to be one of the leaders in the world when it comes to research and clinical/athletic application processes.

Key Messages From The Article Focusing on Injury Prevention and Therapeutic/Corrective Exercises:

  • The core is seen as the lumbar spine, abdominals, back extensor muscles, quadratus lumborum and also the muscles that pass through the core such as the lat dorsi and psoas.
  • A well thought out progressive exercise program should look at incorporating the following:  1.  Corrective and therapeutic exercise 2.  Groove appropriate and perfect motion and motor patterns 3. Build whole body and joint stability 4.  Increase endurance 5. Build strength 6.  Develop speed, power and agility.
  • When focusing on therapeutic corrective exercise, keep isometric exercises under 10 seconds and build endurance through repetitions.  Always ensure that correct technique is implemented.
  • Include the big 3 exercises and variations (modified curl up, side bridge and bird dog) as part of your injury prevention strategy for clients.

For those of you who are interested in reading more about the management of higher end athletes, Dr McGill writes in further detail about this in the article.

From a clinical perspective and having worked with many individuals who have had back pain, it is essential to assess the client to determine whether they have mobility, stability or motor control issues.  Depending on their injury and assessment findings, we will often start our clients with basic movement patterns and core/torso exercises and then progress these as the client shows improvement and demonstrates an ability to carry out core/torso exercises with appropriate technique and without aggravation of their complaint.  Many clients will continue to be prescribed to some degree various core/torso exercises to continue as part of their ongoing management exercise plan.

This blog post was written by osteopath Heath Williams at Principle Four Osteopathy.  At Principle Four Osteopath we provide a range of services, including osteopathy manual therapy consultations, functional movement screening, exercise prescription, strength and conditioning and rehabilitation.

Principle Four Osteopathy is one of Melbourne City CBD and Docklands leading osteopathy clinics.  Both clinics are equipped with training equipment so that we are able to get you actively involved and moving towards a better moving you.

Principle Four Osteopathy CBD clinic is located at 29 Somerset Place, Melbourne 3000.

Principle Four Osteopathy Docklands clinic is located at 717 Bourke St, Docklands, 3008.

Book an appointment online at www.principlefourosteopathy.com or call 03 9670 9290.