Level 4/178 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Recently I have seen an influx of ITB syndrome and Patellar Maltracking issues in the clinic. These have typically resulted from an increase in training load (increasing running km too much too soon, increasing the training frequency too much too soon, running on hard surfaces, wearing poorly fitted shoes and generally poor biomechanics). Individuals have also focused too much on the running and not enough on warming up and recovery. Pain is often felt in and around the knee, is sharp, occurs with running, walking up and down stairs or after sitting for prolonged periods. Clients generally present with very tight ITB, tight glutes, weak glutes and poor squatting and single leg squatting movement patterns. A lot of the time spent running is often on one leg and it is important to have good stability through the hips and pelvis, as well as well functioning feet. Individuals suffering from ITB syndrome and patellar maltracking issues often will benefit from stretching the gluteal muscles, quadriceps, ITB, calfs and lower back.

Foam rolling is another great technique that can help reduce tight spots in the legs (especially the quadricep, ITB and gluteals). Below is a short video on how foam rolling can be used.

It is advised that you see your osteopath before trying any of these exercises to ensure that you are performing the techniques correctly and will benefit from them.

Another simple home exercise I have prescribed clients is gentle self patellar mobilisation. See the video below.

Again, it is important to have your injury assessed by a qualified osteopath or physiotherapist before trying these exercises.

In addition to hands on manual therapy, stretching and exercise. Taping of the knee can help a lot to reduce ones pain. As with any injury, the body compensates well initially and then once the threshold of compensation is exceeded, often pain develops. Reviewing your current running program, incorporating a warm up and cool down with training, regular stretching and lower limb strengthening can help a lot in reducing ones risk of developing ITB syndrome and patellar maltracking problems. To find out more about this, please contact Principle Four Osteopathy to arrange an appointment.

Principle Four Osteopathy is located in the heart of the Melbourne City CBD 3000 at 29 Somerset Place, Melbourne City CBD 3000. Appointments can be made by calling 03 9670 9290 or emailing info@principle4.com. Check us out at www.principlefourosteopathy.com