A Quick Look At Shin Splints/Compartment Syndrome
Individuals will typically report to suffer from pain in the anterior or medial part of the their shin if they are suffering from shin splints. Shin splints will typically develop as a result of overuse due to unaccustomed activity or overloading the lower limb muscles with excessive activity or due to poor footwear, foot mechanics or training on hard surfaces.
Signs and symptoms can include:
- Tightness and tenderness to palpation of the lower limb muscles.
- In the early stages the individual may report to feel discomfort that improves with activity.
- As the condition progresses the individual may report to suffer discomfort constantly.
Treatment and management can include:
- Rest
- Ice
- Massage
- Joint mobilisation
- Taping
- Dry needling
How Can An Osteopath At Principle Four Osteopathy Help You?
- Your Osteopath will take a detailed case history and perform an in-depth movement and orthopaedic assessment to diagnose your injury. In some cases they may be required to refer for further assessment and imaging with one our Trusted Professional Network.
- Your Osteopath will identify potential aggravating and maintaining factors for your injury or complaint and provide you with solutions to reduce this. This could simply mean a review of your activity levels, training programme, training environment and footwear.
- Your Osteopath will provide hands on osteopathic manual therapy as well as stretching, dry needling and taping where appropriate.
- Your Osteopath will provide you with a stretching, mobility and strengthening program so that you can better manage your own condition and/or work on preventing it from recurring. Click on our links to find out more about our Functional Movement Screen and Exercise Prescription and Rehabilitation Consultation.
To find out more about these conditions and how you can better treat and manage these conditions, please call 03 9670 9290 or book an appointment online to see one of our osteopaths at Principle Four Osteopathy.