Our Blog
Upper body push session
Upper body push session If you are looking for a simple and effective upper body push session, then check out the recent push session completed by Heath Williams of Principle Four Osteopathy. If you are looking for a time efficient session with some volume, then pick...
Customised training programs for P4O clients
Customised training programs for P4O clients If you are a P4O client who is attending the clinic for the treatment and management of a specific complaint or you are looking to undertake regular training and need advice on what to do, then make sure you book into see...
Lower and upper body workout
Lower and upper body workout If you are looking for a new workout session that integrates the upper and lower body, then try out the session conducted recently by osteopath Heath Williams. https://www.instagram.com/p/CrovKgRBWO0/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Warm up 1....
Occupational health skills for health professionals
Occupational health skills for health professionals https://www.instagram.com/p/CrmboRAvE-i/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Occ Health Skills Training For physiotherapists, osteopaths, EP, chiropractors, OT and myotherapists Attend our live webinar or watch the recorded...
Occupational Health Skills Training
Occ Health Skills Training For physiotherapists, osteopaths, EP, chiropractors, OT and myotherapists Attend our live webinar or watch the recorded version in your own time Workshop training created by health professionals for health professionals. With a combined...
Lower body training workout
Lower body training workout If you are looking for a new lower body training workout that focuses on integrating the whole body and includes fundamental movement patterns such as squat, hinge and lunge, then look no further than the program below. Principle Four...
A new shoulder focused workout
A new shoulder workout If you are looking for a new shoulder focused workout, then make sure you check out the recent workout by Principle Four Osteopathy osteopath Heath Williams. Workout exercises Incline bench reverse flys 3* 12 reps Dumbbell lateral raises 3* 10...
Swiss ball lower back extension exercise variations
Swiss ball lower back extension exercise variations If you are looking to add a lower back focused exercise into your current training program, then consider the swiss ball back extension. This is a nice alternative to the the Romanian back extension. The cost to...
Occupational health education videos
Occupational health education videos Principle Four Osteopathy and Corporate Work Health Australia director Heath Williams spent yesterday working with his CWHA business Partner and physiotherapist Wade Brennan to record a range of educational occupational health...
Push up workout
Push up workout If you are looking for a new Bodyweight push up workout, then look no further than the workout osteopath Heath Williams has put together. The workout includes: Push up with mountain climber Push up + shoulder mobiliser Frontal plane moving push up Push...
Single arm closing arm exercises
Single arm closing arm exercises If you are looking to vary up your closing arc (cable fly) exercises, then check out the 3 new videos posted by osteopath Heath Williams of Principle Four Osteopathy. https://www.instagram.com/p/CqUl_xHvxPb/ This blog post was written...
Workstation ergonomic training
Workstation ergonomic training - Train the assessor courses Did you know that the team of osteopaths at Principle Four Osteopathy also deliver corporate occupational health assessments and training? Osteopath Heath Williams has recently been delivering our popular 1/2...