Level 4/178 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Occupational health skills for health professionals

Occ Health Skills Training

  • For physiotherapists, osteopaths, EP, chiropractors, OT and myotherapists
  • Attend our live webinar or watch the recorded version in your own time
  • Workshop training created by health professionals for health professionals. With a combined experience of 60 years plus working in occupational health, your educators are still actively consulting in occupational health and have worked with 100s of organisations and trained and assessed 1000s of workers in workplace ergonomics and manual tasks risks assessments and training.


This workshop series is ideal for:

  • An early career health professional wishing to upskill their knowledge and skills in occupational health
  • The experienced health professional who is looking to diversify their skill sets and service offerings
  • For business owners wishing to introduce occupational health concepts into their private practice to improve individual client outcomes as well as develop occupational health service offerings.


Learning objectives:

1. Learn ergonomic assessment skills useful for workplace consultation

2. Learn risk assessment tools useful for workplace consultation

3. Learn manual handling training skills useful for workplace programs

4. Network with a community of health professionals with a specialty in occ health

5. Learn strategies for marketing and winning work in the area of occ health


1. Introduction to occ health consulting (13th July 12:30 – 1:30pm)

2. Workstation ergonomics (19th July 12:30-1:30pm)

3. Risk management for manual tasks (27th July 12:30 – 1:30pm)

4. Delivering manual handling training (2nd August 12:30 – 1:30pm)


  • $80 +GST for a single workshop
  • $230 +GST for all 4 workshops


Buy now @ https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing?eid=1050582&


  • Attend the interactive live session or watch the recorded version in your own time
  • Upskill from your location without needing to travel


• 1 hour PD per workshop

• PDF of presentation