Level 4/178 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Lower Limb Movement Workshop Series For Allied Health Professionals

Lower Limb Movement Workshop Series

Please click the link below to download the workshop series outline and registration form or read below for an outline on the workshop series

Movement & Exercise Workshop Series – Lower LImb

Why We Created The Lower Limb Movement Workshop Series

We have created this workshop series as we would like to provide high quality post graduate education that encompasses all things movement relating to the lower limb and provide attendees with a greater understanding and ability to practically implement movement assessment strategies, develop and further your understanding and skill set relating to commonly prescribed exercises in the gym and pilates environments as well as hone your skills with regards to dealing with tendinopathies, chronic pain and being able to prescribe a movement based exercise rehabilitation program.

About The Workshop Series

The Lower Limb Movement Workshop Series consists of 5 individual workshops that all link back to the learning outcomes for the assessment, exercise prescription and management of lower limb conditions.

The lower limb movement workshop series is to be delivered over 5 different dates over a calendar year by our presenters.  The workshops will all be held in locations specific to the presenters so that we can maximise your learning experience.

Attendees must sign up for all 5 workshops.  Should you not be able to attend any of the workshops or would like someone else from your clinic to attend one of the workshops, please email heath.williams@principle4.com so that this can be arranged.

Lower Limb Movement Workshop 1 – Gait and Movement Assessment

This movement observation course will focus on the role of the lower limb during gait.

This practical course will give attendees a greater understanding of lower limb function within the gait cycle and provide workable, low tech assessment strategies designed for easy integration into clinical practise.

Key concepts:

  • Provide better understanding of the essential role of gait observation for the clinical setting.
  • Provide an overview of the biomechanics of the lower limb during the gait cycle.
  • Use gait ‘modifications’ to highlight individual strengths and weakness to be identified within their walking pattern.
  • Provide a low tech movement observational method that can be incorporated into clinical practise.
  • Understand how muscles function relative to gait.


Matthew Harris (B.Sci, M.Sci (osteo), FAFS, CAFS

Matt holds a Masters of Health Science in Osteopathy, a Bachelor of Applied Science in Clinical Science, is GIFT, FAF, CAFS and Player CoachMate certified. Matt is also trained in classical osteopathy at the ICO and is one of only three NG360 Nike Golf therapists accredited in Australia.

Matt has tutored at Universities in Melbourne and London including Victoria University as well as arguably the most prestigious osteopathic school, the British School of Osteopathy. Matt has worked with many professional athletes across a varied range of sports including hockey, AFL, soccer, rugby, fencing, ultimate Frisbee and beach volleyball. Matt co-founded the Three Clinic in London and was a founder and lecturer for Thirst4Function. Matt currently owns and practises at Everything’s Connected Progressive Osteopathy in Camberwell.

Matt has a particular interest in functional biomechanics and nutrition; he continues to combine his Osteopathic practice with teaching and lecturing.

Everything’s Connected – https://www.everythingsconnected.com.au/team/


Ben McChesney (BSc. B.App. Sc. (Osteopathy), MSc. Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation, FAFS)

Ben McChesney is an Australian trained (RMIT 2002) Osteopath with 10 years experience. 6 of these were spent in London, working with many clients and athletes at Pure Sports Medicine and other clinics. He also worked within Harrods occupational health department.

Ben McChesney completed an MSc in sport and exercise rehabilitation at St Mary’s University (Twickenham, 2010), and worked as part of an internship program within premiership league Fulham Football Club.

A diploma of Applied Functional Science followed in 2010, learning functional assessment and rehabilitation approaches from Gary Gray and Dr David Tiberio in Michigan, USA. Ben lectured in several UK based Osteopathic institutions on the topics of integrating functional biomechanics, assessment and rehabilitation with Osteopathy. Ben enjoys applying this knowledge to help get people out of discomfort and moving better. His aim with treatment is to create an individualised rehabilitation approach for the person, of any age or ability, relative to their goals whether it be doing a bit of gardening, walking, or getting back to enjoying a loved sport or activity.

Balance Osteopathy – https://balanceosteopathy.com/ben-mcchesney

Lower Limb Movement Workshop 2. Resistance Based Exercise Strategies

The resistance based training workshop is a highly practical session focusing on lower limb strength and conditioning exercises using both bodyweight and external equipment.

Attendees will be instructed on the indications for prescription of the exercises, key technique pointers, common errors in the technique and regressions and progressions for the exercises.

Movement Prep Drills

  • Lower limb mobility drills focusing on the the hip, knee and ankle joints as well as gluteal, adductors, hamstrings, hip flexors and calf muscles.
  • Core and lower limb movement preparation/activation techniques focusing on the core/trunk, hip and lower limb region.

Strength & Conditioning Exercises

Lower limb exercises focusing on the functional patterns of squat, step up/down, lunge, single leg exercises.

Exercises covered:

  • Squat variations (back squat, front squat, box squat, split squat)
  • Deadlift patterns (Sumo & Conventional)
  • Deadlift/Hip Hinge patterns: Rack pull, Romanian deadlift, good morning
  • Lunge variations
  • Step up
  • Glute Ham Raise


Heath Williams (osteopath) B.Sci, M.O. Level 2 ASCA, CAFS, FMS, SFMA

Heath is an osteopath and level 2 accredited coach with the Australian Strength and Conditioning Association who works in private clinical practice who has an interest in movement assessment, exercise prescription and strength and conditioning.  Heath currently lectures in exercise rehabilitation to osteopathy students at Victoria University.

Heath has carried out post graduate training in Functional Movement Systems, SFMA, Certificate Applied Functional Science (CAFS) and 3DMaps at the Gray Institute, Kettlebell training, powerlifting and much  more.  www.principlefourosteopathy.com


Martyn Girvan (Strength and Conditioning Coach) (Ex.Sci, B.Sci (psychology)

Martyn has a degree in exercise science and a degree in psychology. Martyn has an extensive background in physical preparation in various sports at an elite level. Martyn was the Strength Coach for the Collingwood AFL Football Club from 2006 to 2014, highlighted by their 2010 premiership win.

Martyn is currently involved with the following sporting organisations:

  • Performance Manager for the Malaysian National Track Cycling team (both sprint and endurance) based in Melbourne
  • Presenter to the Australian strength and conditioning association
  • Martyn still competes at an elite level in powerlifting.


Lower Limb Movement Workshop 3: Pilates Reformer, Studio Equipment and Matwork Pilates

The pilates lower limb workshop is an interactive workshop that focuses on teaching you both isolated and functional exercises for the lower limb on the floor, reformer, trapezius table, chair and ladder barrel.  The workshop will help you progress or regress the client using the following training variables: stable to unstable, isolated to integrated, mat work to equipment and unloaded to loaded.  The presenters will also demonstrate how they will adapt exercises to suit clients with specific lower limb injuries. 

Exercises include with progressions/regressions focusing on key lower limb muscles (gluteals, hamstrings, quadriceps, adductors, calf complex) and use of external equipment:

  • Mat work – bridges, lunges, plyometric lunges, side lunges, supported lunges, slider lunges, squats with props.
  • Reformer – the same exercises as the mat work exercises using light weight for advanced, foot bar high or low.
  • Chair – pedal bridges, split pedal bridges.
  • Trapezius table – push through bar bridges, magician series, side lying series, breathing, airplane series.
  • Ladder barrel – side lying exercises, prone exercises


Jodie Sheehy (Pilates Instructor)

Jodie comes from a movement background. She won a dance scholarship out of school and her movement training hasn’t stopped. She has taught dance at some of Melbourne’s most prestigious schools and now teaches Pilates and conditioning at some of Melbourne best dance training schools, including the VCA musical theatre program.

Jodie studied Pilates as a dancer and has been practicing Pilates for over 15 years. This led her to become fully qualified in internationally recognized, Stott Pilates many years ago. She then went to America and trained in a variety of Pilates styles. Jodie then went on to become an instructor trainer at Breathe Pilates, instructing some of Melbourne’s great teachers. On top of her Pilates certification, she is a personal trainer and is in her final semester at VU for Sports Science.

Combining Pilates with Sports Science has enabled her clients to gain the benefit from both disciplines. Incorporating teachings from Dr. St McGill into her programs for clients with lower back pain has been a new addition to her repertoire.

Her clients range from elite level classical dancers to, the super rich, to clients that have severe disabilities. Coming from a dance background she has a keen eye for detail, a repertoire that is almost unmatched, and a passion for functional movement.


Brett Webster (Pilates Instructor)

Brett is the current owner and director of Pilates on Collins and Pilates on Bourke studios.  Brett works with a range of clients that include both injured clients and those looking to use pilates for strength and conditioning. 

Brett has completed the Diploma in professional pilates through the Pilates Foundation in the UK, Diploma in Pilates with Pilates International in Australia, as well as having a Diploma in Sports and Remedial Massage (LSSM) and has attended many other post graduate courses across the world.



Lower Limb Movement Workshop 4: Chronic Pain and Movement Variability

Course Outline

  • To use modern, relevant Science as a foundation in managing Chronic Pain patients.
  • To be able to customise movement programs according to patient needs. No two Chronic Pain patients are the same.
  • To discuss the integration of movement with manual therapy and behavioural approaches for chronic pain.

Key Concepts

  • Movement and it’s influence on various streams of sensory input.
  • Movement and its ability to “treat” the brain.
  • Movement practically applied in a clinical setting for chronic pain patients.

Presenter: Grant Burrows (osteopath) (B.Sci, M.Sci (osteo), FAFS)

Grant graduated from Victoria University (VU) in 2000 as an Osteopath.

He has worked in private practice in Melbourne, Brisbane, London and currently practices at Procare Geelong.

A great believer in effective Osteopathic technique, Grant found, as many of you have, that these techniques work well on some patients and don’t work on others.

Focusing mainly on the movement sciences of biomechanics and neuromuscular function as well as some behavioural psychology, Grant has developed a broader treatment model that better reflects the huge variability of our patients and clients.

Importantly, all aspects of this model are based on solid scientific evidence.

Grant has done many post graduate courses over the past 15 years.

Most notably he has studied for 2 years at the Gray Institute in Michigan under Gary Gray.

Grant’s teaching experience includes being senior biomechanics lecturer at VU Osteopathy course (2008-10) and running Function 3x courses since 2013.

Pro Care – https://pro-care.com.au/2015/05/22/grant-burrows/

Function 3X – https://www.function3x.com.au/about.html

Lower Limb Movement Workshop 5: Managing The Lower Limb Tendinopathy Injury

Course Outline:

  • Review of tendon pathology, pain, aetiology, assessment, diagnosis 1 hr, with video preread).
  • Demo of key movement and kinetic chain assessment.
  • Principles of tendinopathy rehabilitation.
  • Demo and practical of tendon rehab progressions for common lower limb tendinopathies.


Dr Peter Malliaris (physiotherapist) (BPhysio (Hons), PG Diploma, PHD (Latrobe Uni)

Peter Malliaris is a physiotherapist and researcher specialising in tendinopathy.  In 2006 he completed his PhD in tendinopathy identifying novel risk factors, and since has undertaken post doctoral research in the UK and Australia, and has co-authored over 55 peer review publications most relating to tendinopathy.  Currently, he has research affiliations with La Trobe University in Australia and Queen Mary University in London.  Clinically, Peter has been specialised in seeing difficult tendinoapthy cases for over 10 years, and he sees about 30-40 tendinopathy patients per week.  He has been consulted in the rehabilitation of elite football, rugby, netball, volleyball, basketball, track and field, skating and cricket athletes, as well as the Royal Ballet (London).  Peter is passionate about teaching postgraduate clinicians making tendinopathy research and clinical reasoning very accessible to them.

Complete Sports Care – https://www.completesportscare.com.au/dr-peter-malliaras/


Your Investment For 25 Hours CPD:

$1250 (inc GST)

Please click the link below to download the workshop series outline and registration form.



This blog post was written by osteopath Heath Williams of Principle Four Osteopathy.

Principle Four Osteopathy is one of Melbourne City CBD leading Osteopathy clinics. At the clinic we treat a wide range of clients, ranging from the office worker, exercise enthusiast to athlete. We have 3 experienced osteopaths working across both of the clinics.

The Melbourne City CBD clinic is located at 29 Somerset Place (basement), close to the corner of Elizabeth St and Little Bourke in the Melbourne City CBD. Our premises adjoin the Jon Weller Personal Training Studio, a fully-equipped training space which allows clients to combine their osteopathy treatment with exercise tutorials or specific training programs and rehabilitation.

The Docklands clinic is located at 717 Bourke St (Ground Floor), beneath the Channel 9 building near the walkway from Southern Cross Train Station to Etihad Stadium. Our premises adjoin Pilates on Bourke, a fully-equipped pilates and yoga training space which allows clients to combine their osteopathy treatment with exercise tutorials, pilates or specific training programs and rehabilitation.

To speak to an Osteopath or book an appointment at Principle Four Osteopathy, please book online or call 03 9670 9290.