We now have Kinesiocapture at Principle Four Osteopathy. This program allows us to assess ones movement patterns so that we can better assess and provide our clients (be it injured or those wanting to seek out better conditioning). The program is simply run via the Ipad and we can record, measure and email out videos of your movement assessment.
To find out more about Kinesiocapture, please go to https://www.kinesiocapture.com/index.php.
At Principle Four Osteopathy we use the technology of the iphone and ipad to assess and prescribe your exercises. Rather than spending hours trying to figure out what those little stick figure drawings represent, the videos can be accessed an watched before and during your exercise or rehabilitation program.
To find out more about Osteopathy, Movement Assessment and Rehabilitation at Principle Four Osteopathy, please go to www.principlefourosteopathy.com. Principle Four Osteopathy is located in the heart of the Melbourne City CBD 3000 at 29 Somerset Place, Melbourne City CBD 3000 (near the corner of Little Bourke & Elizabeth St). To speak to an Osteopath or make an appointment, please call 03 9670 9290 or email info@principle4.com