Level 4/178 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Principle Four Osteopathy and The Osteopaths of Blackburn Osteopath and Junior Basketball coach Shaun Coghlan recently delivered an Injury Prevention Movement Preparation workshop for the Blackburn Vikings Basketball Club

Our very own osteopath Shaun Coghlan recently assisted in running an injury prevention movement preparation session at Blackburn Vikings Basketball Club. With many parents and coaches observing, 75 young athletes were taken through a range of exercises to assist in their basketball warm up and cool downs.

Shaun has a long-standing relationship with the Blackburn Vikings Basketball Club. After playing his junior and senior careers at the club, he has now transitioned into coaching at the club’s representative level.

Prop Injury Prevention Movement Preparation @ Blackburn Vikings Basketball Club

What is Movement Preparation?

Movement preparation involves a collection of exercises that focus on incorporating and improving fundamental movement skills and fundamental sport skills into activity. It prepares the body for movement and aims to enhance the athlete’s performance and durability.

Movement Preparation Objectives/Goals.

Movement preparation is a crucial aspect to any form of physical exercise, whether it be basketball, football, running, powerlifting, etc. Below are the four main goals associated with movement preparation:

  1. Increase tissue elasticity and body temperature while encouraging blood flow to working muscles.
  2. Increase range of motion at joints
  3. Activate neuromuscular system/proprioceptors
  4. Activate musculature involved in stabilization

It is pivotal when designing a movement preparation program that it is specific to the individual’s needs and the sport the athlete will be participating in. For the young basketball athletes, Shaun split the session into five sections:

  1. Foam rolling – Increasing blood flow and temperature helps improve muscle elasticity, leading to more efficient muscle contractions and movement. 
  2. Mobility and flexibility exercises – Increasing range of motion of the joints is essential to an effective warm up and enhanced performance.
  3. Muscle activation drills – Priming the targeted muscle groups allows for joint stabilisation and plays a large role in helping the body avoid injury. 
  4. Proprioception/balance exercises – When activated and trained adequately, the body’s proprioceptors (sensory receptors located in the muscles, joints, and tendons) greatly assist the body in balance, stability, and change of direction.
  5. Dynamic and sport specific drills – The specific warm-up is geared mainly towards readying the body for the types of movements and demands which will be expected of it during the training session/game.

If you wish to learn more about movement preparation and how it might be able to assist you, then feel free to book in with one of our osteopaths at Principle Four Osteopathy.

This blog post was written by osteopath Shaun Coghlan of Principle Four Osteopathy. Read more about Shaun @ https://principlefourosteopathy.com.au/practitioners/shaun-coghlan/

Shaun Coghlan P4O

Book an appointment with Shaun or one of the team @ Principle Four Osteopathy https://principle4.cliniko.com/bookings?practitioner_id=34#location

Principle Four Osteopathy is located in the heart of the Melbourne City CBD at Pleasance House, Level 4, 178 Collins St, Melbourne 3000.

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