Level 4/178 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Split Kneeling Stance Kettlebell Press

The kettlebell press is one of the fundamental lifts commonly taught on many kettlebell courses i.e. ironedge, RKC, Strongfirst etc.  In the video below you will see osteopath Heath Williams of Principle Four Osteopathy adapt this to include the split kneeling stance position.  When we take a look at function and progressions on movements and postures, the split stance, along with tall kneeling, single leg stance and bilateral stance are all positions that we will find ourselves in at times.  The split kneeling stance position primarily places load through the kneeling leg and therefore demands greater stability and control through this grounded leg to the trunk/core.

In the video below osteopath Heath Williams demonstrates a conventional press as well as un upside down KB press.  The upside down KB press requires the individual to stabilise through the shoulder girdle more than the conventional press due to position of the weight in the bell.


This article was written by osteopath Heath Williams of Principle Four Osteopathy.  If you are needing treatment and management advice for a musculoskeletal complaint, would like to undergo a functional movement screen or need further advice on exercise prescription and/or strength and conditioning, please be sure to check us out at www.principlefourosteopathy.com.