Level 4/178 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Snapping Hip

Many clients will present to the clinic reporting a clicking in their hip and often wonder what it is and whether it is an issue.  Snapping hip syndrome is characterized by an audible sound around the hip when one moves their leg. The article titled “Snapping hip syndrome: A review for the strength and conditioning professional” that was published in the strength and conditioning journal in 2015 further defines snapping him as either being internal or external.  An internal snapping hip issue is typically felt around the anterior hip and often involves a tight iliopsoas muscle.  An external snapping hip is typically felt on the lateral side of the hip and is often related to a tight iliotibial band. The article reports that approximately 5-10% of the population may suffer from snapping hip syndrome.   It is seen frequently in those individuals who play soccer, dance, run, play football, golf or lift weights.  Typically one will report an audible sound that is not painful.  Usually the issue relates to extra articular structures, however it is also important to have the individual assessed to rule out any internal structural issues with the labrum and hip structure itself.   Treatment is generally conservative and can include manual therapy and modification of training.  The goal is to identify any imbalances around the pelvis and lower limb.  Self myofascial techniques such as stretching, foam roller work and strengthening of those structures that have been identified as weak or not functioning optimally is also important.  Common strengthening exercises for those with internal snapping hip syndrome can include double leg hip bridges, single leg hip bridges, resisted hip extension, sidelying hip abduction, hip clams, single leg squats and deadlifts.  Those with external snapping hip syndrome may benefit from side hip abduction, clams, side bridges and side stepping with resistance i.e. crab walks.

The article summarizes the management of snapping hip syndrome in a very straight forward way and suggests the ARREST model.

A – avoid painful movements

R – restore soft tissue mobility

R – restore adequate strength in the hip and pelvis

E – educate the client on how to avoid injury

S – set measurable return to activity goals

T – teach the client a self maintenance program

This blog post was written by osteopath Heath Williams at Principle Four Osteopathy.  At Principle Four Osteopath we provide a range of services, including osteopathy manual therapy consultations, functional movement screening, exercise prescription, strength and conditioning and rehabilitation.

Principle Four Osteopathy is one of Melbourne City CBD and Docklands leading osteopathy clinics.  Both clinics are equipped with training equipment so that we are able to get you actively involved and moving towards a better moving you.

Principle Four Osteopathy CBD clinic is located at 29 Somerset Place, Melbourne 3000.

Principle Four Osteopathy Docklands clinic is located at 717 Bourke St, Docklands, 3008.

Book an appointment online at www.principlefourosteopathy.com or call 03 9670 9290.