Shoulder Subuluxation and Dislocations

Individuals who are known to be hypermobile or have hypermobile shoulder joints due to genetics or from overuse due to specific sports i.e throwing sports or swimming may be more prone to subluxing or dislocating their shoulders. Trauma to the shoulder is another reason why individuals may dislocate or sublux their shoulder joint.

As an osteopath we are able to help an individual who suffers from subluxation or dislocation of the shoulder by addressing the joint mechanics of the shoulder and associated soft tissues. This may involve taping and prescription of exercises to help strengthen the shoulder through movement.

How Can An Osteopath At Principle Four Osteopathy Help You?

  • Your Osteopath will take you through a detailed case history and assessment to help identify the cause of your injury and give you a diagnosis.
  • Your Osteopath will provide you with a treatment and management plan that is appropriate for the injury or condition.
  • This also includes listening to your goals as a client and ensuring that the treatment and management plan is discussed with you and focused towards you achieving these goals.
  • In some cases your Osteopath may be required to refer for further assessment and investigation and this may be with one of our Trusted Professional Network of practitioners.
  • Your Osteopath may provide hands on Osteopathy or provide you with an exercise prescription / rehabilitation program.
  • Your Osteopath will provide you with a treatment and management program that educates and shows you how to better manage your condition through stretching, mobility and strengthening where appropriate.

To find out more about how to better treat and manage your back or neck pain, please call 03 9670 9290 or book an appointment online to see one of our Osteopaths at Principle Four Osteopathy.

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