A Quick Look At Ankle Sprain Injuries

These are probably one of the most common injuries of the foot and ankle and are typically associated with a trauma where the individual has fallen and twisted their ankle.  It is also commonly known as inversion sprain.  As a result of the injury, the lateral ligaments of the ankle are typically stressed.  The injury is often graded according to the degree of ligament injury and can be categorised as a grade 1 sprain – 25% of the lateral ankle ligament fibres are injured, a grade 2 sprain – where 50% are involved and a grade 3 sprain, where there is an avulsion of the ligament (where the ligament is separated from its bony attachment).  Healing time frames will vary according to the type of injury, tissues involves, severity of the injury and the individuals own healing capabilities.  In simple terms, mild ankle sprains can take 2-4 weeks and more moderate to severe sprains will take much longer.

How Can An Osteopath At Principle Four Osteopathy Help You?

  • Your Osteopath will take a detailed case history and perform an in-depth movement and orthopaedic assessment to diagnose your injury. In some cases they may be required to refer for further assessment and imaging with one our Trusted Professional Network.
  • Your Osteopath will identify potential aggravating and maintaining factors for your injury or complaint and provide you with solutions to reduce this. This could simply mean a review of your activity levels, training programme, training environment and footwear.
  • Your Osteopath will provide hands on osteopathy manual therapy as well as stretching, dry needling and taping where appropriate.
  • For those who have suffered an ankle sprain or suffer from recurring ankle sprains, you may benefit from undertaking a functional movement screen to assess and identify where there might be imbalances and weakness in the body.
  • Your Osteopath will provide you with a exercise prescription/rehabilitation stretching, mobility and strengthening program so that you can better manage your own condition and/or work on preventing it from recurring.

To find out more about these conditions and how you can better treat and manage these conditions, please call 03 9670 9290 or book an appointment online to see one of our osteopaths at Principle Four Osteopathy.

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