FREE lower body focused exercise program

Osteopath Heath Williams has written and trialled a new lower body focused exercise program for those of you who are looking to change things up.  This lower body program requires freeweights, a landmine/torsonator and barbell.  This program incorporates the squat, hinge and split squat movement patterns whilst also integrating open arc, superior push and superior pull movement patterns.

Lets take a look at the program

Warm up
1. Double arm open arc + squat 2-4 sets, 8-10 reps, load = light
2. Double arm open arc + split squat, 2-4 sets, 8- 10 reps, load = light

Main session
1. Landmine squats + overhead push, 4 sets, 10 reps, load = light – moderate
2. Landmine B stance RDL, 4 sets each side, 10 reps, load = light – moderate
3. Landmine Low hold lateral weight shift, 4 sets, 5 reps in each direction, load = light – moderate
4. Landmine posterior pull + split squat, 4 sets, 10 reps each leg forward, load = light to moderate

Please watch the video below for examples of each exercise as demonstrated by osteopath Heath Williams.

This blog post was written by principle four osteopath Heath Williams.  Principle Four Osteopathy is located in the heart of the Melbourne CBD at 178 collins st.  Our clinic focuses on delivering the best care and integrates manual therapy, exercise prescription/strength and conditioning and occupational health.

Book online here.