Level 4/178 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Recently I have had a few gym overuse related injuries attend the clinic for treatment. These have included shoulder impingement, flexor forearm tendonitis and olecranon bursitis. The injuries have come about as a result of over training the shoulders (dumbbells shoulder press, anterior deltoid raises, dips, incline chest work, chins, preacher bar skull crushes). The clients have either increased load too quickly, not had enough rest time between workouts, not been training the body in a balanced manner, lacked training of the smaller assisting muscles, not stretched or a combination of all. When it comes to preventing overuse related injuries, it is important to overload at a steady rate, allow adequate rest breaks between sessions and incorporate exercises into the workout routine that will compliment the training program and train those important muscles in and around the area to avoid overuse of specific muscles.

Subacromial Impingement Injuries typically occur in those clients who train chest, biceps, shoulders more often that the opposing back muscles. Typically they fail to train the rotator cuff and instead train those muscles that they can see in the mirror. Often these clients adopt a posture that presents as rounded shoulders and increased thoracic kyphosis. It is important to try and keep things balanced by training posterior deltoid, train the rotator cuff muscles with dumbbells or cable fly machine. Stretching is also important to keep the body balanced. Muscles tighten up following training and what we don’t want is a complete lack of flexibility and range of motion as a result of training.

Forearm Flexor Tendonopathy Injuries – I had a client who is obviously over using and fatiguing out their forearms when training back, arms and forearms. These smaller muscles have fatigued and tighten up and as the individual tries to keep lifting heavy weights, these injuries develop. Stretching the forearms, arms, chest and back are important in preventing this type of injury. Increasing training loads slowly and again training the weaker links of the chain so that they can handle the bigger lifts is important long term in regards to the clients health and ability to progress their lifting.

If you are currently suffering from overuse related injuries in the gym, then give Principle Four Osteopathy a call and make an appointment to see an Osteopath. Your Osteopath will be able to help diagnose your injury, as well as provide advice on how to manage this and prevent further recurrence. Principle Four Osteopathy is located in the heart of the Melbourne City CBD 3000 at 29 Somerset Place, Melbourne City CBD 3000. To speak to an Osteopath or make an appointment, please call 03 9670 9290 or email info@principle4.com