The Desk Stander From Up Down Desk
At Principle Four Osteopathy and Corporate Work Health Australia we are big supporters of offering workers the option to vary their work posture between sitting and standing. This is even more important when ones job is mostly based around a computer and there is little opportunity for work tasks to be performed away from the desk. When it comes to risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders, exposure to static, awkward, long duration and repetitive postures or movements can all increase ones chances of developing musculoskeletal strains and sprains. Therefore we need to consider workplace solutions that may allow workers to change postures more often. My number one recommendation for sit-stand desks is always a fully adjustable (manual or electronic) desk. When this is not possible i.e. workplace office that doesnt have the space available to implement a full sit-stand desk, then an on desk sit-stand option should be considered. For those looking for a great on desk option, check out my mate Jordan’s new desk stander from up down desk.
This blog post was written by osteopath Heath Williams of Principle Four Osteopathy. Principle Four Osteopathy is one of Melbourne City CBD leading Osteopathy clinics. At the clinic we treat a wide range of clients, ranging from the office worker, exercise enthusiast to athlete. We have 3 experienced osteopaths working across both of the clinics. The Melbourne City CBD clinic is located at 29 Somerset Place (basement), close to the corner of Elizabeth St and Little Bourke in the Melbourne City CBD. Our premises adjoin the Jon Weller Personal Training Studio, a fully-equipped training space which allows clients to combine their osteopathy treatment with exercise tutorials or specific training programs and rehabilitation. The Docklands clinic is located at 717 Bourke St (Ground Floor), beneath the Channel 9 building near the walkway from Southern Cross Train Station to Etihad Stadium. Our premises adjoin Pilates on Bourke, a fully-equipped pilates and yoga training space which allows clients to combine their osteopathy treatment with exercise tutorials, pilates or specific training programs and rehabilitation. To speak to an Osteopath or book an appointment at Principle Four Osteopathy, please book online or call 03 9670 9290.