Level 4/178 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Principle Four Osteopathy osteopaths are now trained and able to provide shockwave therapy as part of our standard consultations or as a stand alone consult for those requiring a series of shockwave therapy treatments (usually 3-6) for a range of chronic musculoskeletal complaints. The most common complaints that we use shockwave therapy at our Melbourne City Osteopathy clinic is for plantarfasciopathy, achilles and patellar tendinopathy and hamstring tendinopathy.

Shockwave Therapy is a relatively new service now being provided by health professionals across Australia (< 10 years) as the cost of the Shockwave Therapy machine is becoming more affordable and the increase in research supporting its use for the treatment of musculoskeletal complaints is increasing.

If you would like to find out more about Shockwave Therapy and what it does, please click here.

Our initial Shockwave Therapy consultation is a 50-60 minute session with our Melbourne Osteopath and costs $120. Our follow up standard osteopathy consults (30-40 minutes) are $95. Our stand alone shockwave therapy consultation with our osteopath is $50 (10-15 minutes).

Book a shockwave therapy session with our Melbourne CBD osteopath online at www.principlefourosteopathy.com or by calling 0396709290. If you have any questions for our osteopath or about Shockwave therapy, please email info@principle4.com.

Principle Four Osteopathy is one of Melbourne City CBD leading osteopathy clinics. We are located at 178 Collins St between Russell St and Swanston St.