Level 4/178 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

In this post I thought I would take a look at recent client of mine who is approximately 6 months post FAI hip surgery.  He is currently on a walk/run, flexibility/mobility and resistance based training program.  The clients goal is to return to sport and continue with resistance based training.

The Walk-Run Program

The walk/run program originally started with a 2 min walk and 1 min jog and has been progressed by adding an additional one minute of jogging.  Currently he is at a 15 min jog, 1 min rest and 15 minute jog.   Throughout the walk/run program there was  constant monitoring of symptoms and/or tightness and has been modified appropriately.

The Exercise Program & Manual Therapy

The client was originally started on rehab program prescribed by the post operative physiotherapist and this was combined with manual therapy.  Since the operation the client has been carrying out a variety of different exercises to focus on mobility and stability of not only the hip and pelvis, but also the entire lower limb kinetic chain, trunk and upper body.

The program below is the most recent program prescribed.  The goal has been to continue building on the functional movement patterns and improving strength through range of motion of the trunk, hip/pelvis and lower limb.  Below the exercise program I have also included some photos that were taken of the individual performing the exercises and detailed my reasoning for choosing these exercises.

Hip Mobility:Stability  

Exercise Descriptors

I have only included a few descriptors for some of the exercises as these were the only ones I managed to photograph on the day.  I have included a brief description of my aim, key focus points and progression options for the client.

Powerband Squat

Aim: Develop and groove squatting movement patterns.

Technique Focus Points: Bum back, neutral spine, knees out

Progression:  Repetition.  The aim will be to then add resistance and range




The client has been initially advised to only squat to a sitting height as they reported some tightness when squatting to a deeper range of motion.


Lateral Powerband Crab Walks with Resistance

Aim: Develop gluteus medius

Focus: Maintain partial squat position, Foot straight and avoid external rotation of the leg, maintain trunk positioning and hold ball

Progression: Repetitions.  Other options include time/duration, band resistance, stepping distance





Single Leg Barbell Step Up

Aim: Single leg hip stability with good trunk positioning

Focus: Foot positioning, pushing off ground, maintain stable trunk, maintain hip over foot, opposite knee to 90 degrees

Progression:  Repetitions, Resistance, Box Height





Aim: Lower Back, Hamstrings and Gluteals

Focus: Neutral trunk, Hips back, Partial knee bend, feel hamstring stretch, tense glute in standing position

Progression: Repetitions, Resistance



We will be reviewing the client again in 6 weeks and will be putting together a new exercise program.  I will aim to post on their progress and the new training program designed.

This blog post was written by Osteopath Heath Williams of Principle Four Osteopathy.

Principle Four Osteopathy is one of Melbourne City CBD and Melbourne Docklands leading Osteopathy clinics.  The clinic is located in 2 locations:

Melbourne City CBD – 29 Somerset Place, Melbourne City CBD 3000 (basement level within Jon Weller PT Studio)

Melbourne Docklands – 717 Bourke St, Docklands, 3008 (ground level within Pilates on Bourke)

To book an appointment, please call 03 9670 9290 or book online @ www.principlefourosteopathy.com