Level 4/178 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

We get a lot of clients at Principle Four Osteopathy who attend because they are wanting a specific exercise routine for either a rehab focused approach to a musculoskeletal complaint or because they are wanting to focus on improving their performance. The individuals who attend are either gym based enthusiasts, powerlifters or individuals who train in the gym as part of their physical preparation for their sport or chosen athletic pursuit.

Some individuals have specific mobility, stability or motor control issues that they are aware of whereas others are seeking out guidance with regards to what they should focus on as part of their movement preparation phase of training, a specific training program or adjunct program to focus on to compliment the remainder of their training schedule.

So whats involved?

Firstly we will ask you what and you have attended Principle Four Osteopathy. Our business is largely built on word of mouth and as a result of this, individuals either seek us out for a specific reason or are interested in finding out how we can perhaps assist them with regards to a specific physical or training goal.

Once we have established your WHAT and WHY, we will then sit down and have a conversation about YOU. We want to know about all things relating to you. Not just your reason for attending the clinic, but all about you currently (medically and not medically) as well as your past history. This process usually takes 15-30 minutes.

Following this we will usually perform an assessment of some sort. The type of assessment will depend on your WHAT and WHY as well as your history. This may involve traditional physical examination process to try and establish a provisional working diagnosis so that a treatment and management plan can be planned. For others it might mean undertaking less of an orthopaedic assessment and more of a functional movement screen (looking at how you move with regards to gait, fundamental patterns). Beyond that we may also look directly at specific exercises or movements that are task specific or specifically related to the reason why you have attended.

Should you be seeking a specific exercise program we will then look to review your current approaches to training and then look to identify where we can provide some meaningful strategies to assist you your WHAT and WHY.

Below is an example of how one of Principle Four Osteopathy clients attended the clinic to initially address a musculoskeletal complaint that was largely impacting on the individual when they were active. Their WHAT and WHY related to being able to exercise without discomfort and be guided with regards to an exercise program to assist them in doing so. As a result we consulted the client about their history, took them through a range of examination tests and then developed a short routine for them to implement as part of their movement preparation prior to both gym based training and undertaking a run or soccer. In addition to this we also prescribed a gym based program that you wont see here as well as provided advice on general movement strategies and ergonomics within the workplace.

If you are looking to take charge of your health and wellbeing and have specific goals relating to performance or just wanting to improve your function and reduce pain, then make sure you touch base with us at Principle Four Osteopathy.

We have a team of osteopaths with many years experience that extends beyond that which is trained at University, with all of our practitioners completing beyond the minimum requirements each year in Professional Development. Our focus being pain science, exercise rehabilitation, strength and conditioning and ergonomics.

To book online simply, click here.

Find out more about our team here.